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SFS-EN 1998-1-1:2024:en

Eurocode 8. Design of structures for earthquake resistance. Part 1-1: General rules and seismic action

Tuote ladattavissa heti Toimitusaika on noin 1 - 2 työpäivää Toimitusaika on 3 - 5 työpäivää.
Suomenkielistä soveltamisalaa ei ole saatavissa.

1.1 Scope of EN 1998-1-1
(1) This document is applicable to the design and verification of buildings and other structures for earthquake resistance. It gives general rules relevant to all types of structures, except for structures belonging to consequence classes CC0 or CC4.
NOTE For further details on consequence class CC4, see 4.2.
(2) This document provides basic performance requirements and compliance criteria applicable to buildings and other structures for earthquake resistance.
(3) This document gives rules for the representation of seismic actions and the description of the design seismic situations.
NOTE Certain types of structures, dealt with in other parts of Eurocode 8, need supplementary rules which are given in those relevant Parts.
(4) This document contains general methods for structural analysis and verification under seismic actions, including base-isolated structures and structures with distributed dissipative systems.
(5) This document contains rules for modelling and verification of ultimate strengths and deformations.
1.2 Assumptions
(1) The assumptions of EN 1990 apply to this document.
(2) It is assumed that no change in the structure and in the masses carried by the structure takes place during the construction phase or during the subsequent life of the structure with respect to the design unless proper justification and verification is provided. This applies also to ancillary elements (see 3.1.2). Due to the specific nature of seismic response, this applies even in the case of changes that lead to an increase of the structural resistance.
(3) The design documents are assumed to indicate the geometry, the detailing, and the properties of the materials of all structural members. If appropriate, the design documents are also assumed to include the properties of special devices to be used and the distances between structural and ancillary elements. The necessary quality control provisions are assumed to be specified.
(4) Members of special structural importance requiring special checking during construction are assumed to be identified in the design documents and the verification methods to be used are assumed to be specified.
(5) It is assumed that in the case of high seismic action class (4.1.1(4)), formal quality system plans, covering design, construction, and use, additional to the control procedures prescribed in the other relevant Eurocodes, are specified.

Tämän julkaisun valmistelusta Suomessa vastaa Rakennustuoteteollisuus RTT ry, puh. 09 12 991 (vaihde).
Velvoittavat viittaukset
EN 1990:2023 Eurocode - Basis of structural and geotechnical design
EN 1990:2023/prA1 Eurocode - Basis of structural and geotechnical design - Part 1: New structures
EN 1998-1-1:2024 Eurocode 8 - Design of structures for earthquake resistance - Part 1-1: General rules and seismic action
Julkaisun kieli
Tämä on nk. toisen sukupolven eurokoodi, jota ei ole vielä otettu käyttöön Suomessa. Katso tätä standardia vastaava ensimmäisen sukupolven standardi. Lisätietoja eurokoodeista
