Hulevesi- ja viemärikaivojen kansistot ajoneuvo- ja jalankulkualueille. Osa 6: Polypropeenista (PP), polyeteenistä (PE) tai polyvinyylikloridista (PVC-U) tehdyt hulevesi- ja viemärikaivon kansistot
Tuote ladattavissa hetiToimitusaika on noin 1 - 2 työpäivääToimitusaika on 3 - 5 työpäivää.
Tätä eurooppalaista standardia voidaan soveltaa jalankulku- ja ajoneuvoalueiden polypropeenista (PP), polyeteenistä (PE) tai polyvinyylikloridista (PVC-U) valamalla tai puristamalla tehtyjen hulevesi- ja viemärikaivojen kansistoille aina vapaan aukon kokoon 1000 mm asti. Tätä standardia voidaan soveltaa viemäri- ja hulevesikaivojen kansistoille, jotka on tarkoitettu käytettäväksi — alueilla, joilla voivat liikkua ainoastaan jalankulkijat ja polkupyöräilijät (luokka A 15), ja — jalankulkualueilla ja vastaavilla alueilla, autojen pysäköintialueilla tai pysäköintikansilla (luokka B 125) Standardissa annetaan ohjeita polypropeenista (PP), polyeteenistä (PE) tai polyvinyylikloridista (PVC-U) valmistettujen kansien/ritilöiden ja kehysten yhdistelemiseksi standardien EN 124‑2, EN 124‑3, EN 124‑4 ja EN 124‑5 mukaisten materiaalien kanssa. Tätä eurooppalaista standardia ei voida soveltaa yksinään, vaan yhdessä standardin EN 124‑1 kanssa. Tätä standardia ei voida soveltaa: — standardin EN 13598‑1 mukaisille tarkastuskaivon kansille — standardin EN 1433 mukaisille tehdasvalmisteisille ritilällisille/kannellisille viemäröintikouruille — rakennusten lattiakaivoille ja kattoviemäreille, jotka on määritelty standardissa EN 1253 (kaikki osat) — pintalaatikoille.
Tämän julkaisun valmistelusta Suomessa vastaa Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys ry, puh. 09 19 231 (vaihde).
1 Soveltamisala
2 Velvoittavat viittaukset
3 Termit, määritelmät, symbolit ja lyhenteet
3.1 Termit ja määritelmät
3.2 Symbolit ja lyhenteet
4 Materiaalit
4.1 Yleistä
4.2 Eri materiaaleista koostuvien elementtien yhdistelmät
4.3 UV-kestävyys (simuloitu sääkokeenkestävyys)
4.4 Metalliset kiinnikkeet
5 Vaatimukset
5.1 Suunnittelu- ja suoritustasovaatimukset
5.2 PE:stä, PP:sta ja PVC-U:sta tehtyjen hulevesi- ja viemärikaivon kansistojen materiaalikohtaiset erityisominaisuudet
6 Testaus
6.1 Yleistä
6.2 Lämpökoe
6.3 Kuormitustaipuma
6.4 Iskusitkeys
7 Suoritustason pysyvyyden arviointi- ja varmentamisjärjestelmät (AVCP)
7.1 Yleistä
7.2 Tyyppitestaus
7.3 Tehtaan sisäinen laadunvalvonta (FPC)
8 Nimikointi
9 Merkintä
Liite A PP polymeerin vahvistamisessa käytettävien lasikuitujen ominaisuudet (velvoittava)
Liite B Kuormitustaipumatesti (velvoittava)
Liite ZA Tämän eurooppalaisen standardin kohdat, jotka liittyvät EU:n rakennustuoteasetukseen (opastava)
EN 12164:2011 Copper and copper alloys - Rod for free machining purposes
EN 12200-1:2016 Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 124-1:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 1: Definitions, classification, general principles of design, performance requirements and test methods
EN 12164:2011 Copper and copper alloys - Rod for free machining purposes
EN 12200-1:2016 Plastics rainwater piping systems for above ground external use - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 124-1:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 1: Definitions, classification, general principles of design, performance requirements and test methods
EN 124-2:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 2: Gully tops and manhole tops made of cast iron
EN 124-3:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 3: Gully tops and manhole tops made of steel or aluminium alloys
EN 124-4:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 4: Gully tops and manhole tops made of steel reinforced concrete
EN 124-5:2015 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas - Part 5: Gully tops and manhole tops made of composite materials
EN 12666-1:2005+A1:2011 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 13476-2:2018+A1:2020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and external surface and the system, Type A
EN 13476-3:2018+A1:2020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Structured-wall piping systems of unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 3: Specifications for pipes and fittings with smooth internal and profiled external surface and the system, Type B
EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 Fire classification of construction products and building elements - Part 1: Classification using data from reaction to fire tests
EN 13598-1:2020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 1: Specifications for ancillary fittings and shallow chambers
EN 13598-2:2020 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U), polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE) - Part 2: Specifications for manholes and inspection chambers
EN 13823:2020 Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item
EN 13823:2020+A1:2022 Reaction to fire tests for building products - Building products excluding floorings exposed to the thermal attack by a single burning item
EN 1401-1:2019 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 1401-1:2019+A1:2023 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 14758-1:2012 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 14758-1:2023 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene with mineral modifiers (PP-MD) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 16245-3:2013 Fibre-reinforced plastic composites - Declaration of raw material characteristics - Part 3: Specific requirements for fibre
EN 1852-1:2018 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 1852-1:2018+A1 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 1852-1:2018+A1:2022 Plastics piping systems for non-pressure underground drainage and sewerage - Polypropylene (PP) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system
EN 20105-A02:1994 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Part A02: Grey scale for assessing change in colour (ISO 105-A02:1993)
EN 513:1999 Unplasticized polyvinylchloride (PVC-U) profiles for the fabrication of windows and doors - Determination of the resistance to artificial weathering
EN ISO 1133-1:2011 Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics - Part 1: Standard method (ISO 1133-1:2011)
EN ISO 1133-1:2022 Plastics - Determination of the melt mass-flow rate (MFR) and melt volume-flow rate (MVR) of thermoplastics - Part 1: Standard method (ISO 1133-1:2022)
EN ISO 1183-1:2019 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 1: Immersion method, liquid pycnometer method and titration method (ISO 1183-1:2019, Corrected version 2019-05)
EN ISO 1183-2:2019 Plastics - Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics - Part 2: Density gradient column method (ISO 1183-2:2019)
EN ISO 3126:2005 Plastics piping systems - Plastics components - Determination of dimensions (ISO 3126:2005)
EN ISO 4892-1:2016 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 1: General guidance (ISO 4892-1:2016)
EN ISO 4892-1:2024 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 1: General guidance and requirements (ISO 4892-1:2024)
EN ISO 4892-2:2013 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 2: Xenon-arc lamps (ISO 4892-2:2013)
EN ISO 4892-3:2016 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps (ISO 4892-3:2016)
EN ISO 4892-3:2024 Plastics - Methods of exposure to laboratory light sources - Part 3: Fluorescent UV lamps (ISO 4892-3:2024)
EN ISO 580:2005 Plastics piping and ducting systems - Injection-moulded thermoplastics fittings - Methods for visually assessing the effects of heating (ISO 580:2005)
EN ISO 8256:2004 Plastics - Determination of tensile-impact strength (ISO 8256:2004)
EN ISO 9163:2005 Textile glass - Rovings - Manufacture of test specimens and determination of tensile strength of impregnated rovings (ISO 9163:2005)
ISO 15100:2000 Plastics -- Reinforcement fibres -- Chopped strands -- Determination of bulk density
ISO 178:2010 Plastics -- Determination of flexural properties
ISO 1888:2006 Textile glass -- Staple fibres or filaments -- Determination of average diameter
ISO 3127:1994 Thermoplastics pipes -- Determination of resistance to external blows -- Round-the-clock method
ISO 3506-1:2009 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners -- Part 1: Bolts, screws and studs
ISO 3506-2:2009 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners -- Part 2: Nuts
ISO 527-1:2012 Plastics -- Determination of tensile properties -- Part 1: General principles
ISO 6964:1986 Polyolefin pipes and fittings -- Determination of carbon black content by calcination and pyrolysis -- Test method and basic specification