Additive manufacturing. System performance and reliability. Acceptance tests for laser metal powder-bed fusion machines for metallic materials for aerospace application (ISO/ASTM 52941:2020)
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This document specifies requirements and test methods for the qualification and re-qualification of laser beam machines for metal powder bed fusion additive manufacturing for aerospace applications. It can also be used to verify machine features during periodic inspections or following maintenance and repair activities.
Tämän julkaisun valmistelusta Suomessa vastaa Metalliteollisuuden Standardisointiyhdistys ry, puh. 09 19 231 (vaihde).
ISO 11146-1:2005 Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam widths, divergence angles and beam propagation ratios -- Part 1: Stigmatic and simple astigmatic beams
ISO 11146-2:2005 Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam widths, divergence angles and beam propagation ratios -- Part 2: General astigmatic beams
ISO 11554:2017 Optics and photonics -- Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam power, energy and temporal characteristics
ISO 11146-1:2005 Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam widths, divergence angles and beam propagation ratios -- Part 1: Stigmatic and simple astigmatic beams
ISO 11146-2:2005 Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam widths, divergence angles and beam propagation ratios -- Part 2: General astigmatic beams
ISO 11554:2017 Optics and photonics -- Lasers and laser-related equipment -- Test methods for laser beam power, energy and temporal characteristics
ISO/ASTM 52900:2015 Additive manufacturing -- General principles -- Terminology
ISO/ASTM 52921:2013 Standard terminology for additive manufacturing -- Coordinate systems and test methodologies